

4 weeks


Figma, Zoom




Case study, UX/UI Design


UX Researcher, UX/UI Designer

This is a case study project for DesignLab UX Academy.


YesStyle, a Hong Kong-based online retailer founded in 2006, specializes in affordable Asian fashion, beauty, and lifestyle products, and global accessibility.

YesStyle's review section lacks consistent and accessible size information, making it challenging for customers to determine the best fit, prompting efforts to enhance this feature for a better shopping process.


YesStyle will enhance its review section with a structured size system, enabling customers to compare measurements easily for informed purchases.



Product reviews will include "size purchased" and optional personal measurements, with users prompted to complete a form if they choose to share body details alongside their reviews.


Competitive Analysis





2 Categories of Review Sections

Barely any Filters


  • Simple and easy to navigate

  • Faster access to reviews without setting filters


  • Makes it harder to find specific information

  • Users must manually scan for the details

So Many Filters


  • Saves time by reducing the irrelevant information

  • Users can narrow reviews to what’s most relevant


  • Can be overwhelming or confusing for some users

  • Excessive filtering could hide reviews that offer valuable insights

  • Should find a balance between the too little and too much filters

  • Should find out the most important features users need


User Interviews


7 (6 Females + 1 Males)

22-30 years old


Remote (Zoom)


30-45 minutes


  • How do product reviews influence your purchase decisions compared to other factors like price or brand reputation?

  • What do you usually look for in a fashion product review?

  • How do customer-uploaded photos or videos affect your decision?

  • How often do you use the YesStyle review section before making a purchase?

  • What aspects of YesStyle reviews do you find most helpful (e.g., size info, photos)?

  • How do you decide the right sizing?

  • What features make a review section ideal for online shopping?

“I enjoy planning trips because it gives me peace of mind knowing what to expect, and I get to check off all the places I’m excited about.“

~ Participant when asked why they like to plan for trips

2 Categories of Travelers

  • Likes to research beforehand

    • Gives peace of mind

  • Likes to reserve and create itinerary

  • Likes to get everyone’s opinions


  • Goes with the flow

  • Doesn’t plan itinerary/activities

  • Likes element of surprise

  • Likes to explore


  • Friend groups with like-minded people determine how trips are usually planned

  • Communication and cooperation is the most important aspect

  • Assigning roles and tasks is a great way to keep information organized





Hannah Oakland
27 years old

“I love going on vacation, what better way than to spend time with friends and create new memories!”


Although Aisha loves her job as a Secretary, she loves vacation more. She enjoys spending her vacation traveling with her friends. Traveling with her friends should be stress-free, and a great way to wind down and relax. She loves a detailed itinerary, getting to research all the fun activities to do and restaurants to try. The last thing Aisha wants is to arrive and waste time with no idea on what to do.


  • To have a good time with friends

  • To not be stressed on vacation

  • A detailed itinerary

  • To know what to expect of the location before arrival


  • Friends not help plan

  • Reservations didn’t work out

  • Itinerary abandoned because of unexpected situation

  • Couldn’t do some activities


  • Google Document

  • Zoom

  • Discord

  • ChatGPT


Josh Morale
21 years old
College Student

“Having fun with friends are more important than the destination.”


During the weekends and vacation as a college student, Josh would hang out with his friends and go on trips. They like to go on spontaneous trips because they like the element of surprise, and finding something fun to do is what makes the whole thing fun. When they go on trips that are farther away from campus, Josh has some friends who enjoys planning, so he trusts them in planning the itinerary, but have no problem contributing either.


  • To have a good time with friends

  • To not be stressed on vacation

  • Have fun exploring and trying something unexpected


  • Being stuck with a full itinerary

  • Friends backing out on the trip

  • Friends not enthusiastic

  • Not finding anything fun to do


  • Discord


Low-fi Wireframes


Must Haves

Travel Preferences Section

Where user can input their preferences for travel (likes, dislikes, tolerance level, allergies, etc.).

Trip Organizer

An organized list in order of things to do from the start of the trip to the end of the trip.

AI Itinerary Maker

AI that helps the group create an itinerary based on their travel preferences, dates, location, etc.

Friends/Collaborators List

Could add other users to the trip page to communicate and edit together.

Nice to Have

Voting System

Where users can create and participate in polls to gather opinions or make decisions quickly and easily.

Budget Tracker

Track the budget set by the group. Shows how much is left from the budget based on their input expenses.

To-do List

A section to organized and prioritize tasks to track trip progress, assignable to members.


Works hand-in-hand with To-do List, set reminders for the assigned tasks.


Home Page

The main sections of the website.

  • Reminders Notifications

  • Profile

  • Trips

Profile Page

The usual sections of the profile.

  • Friends list

  • Travel Preferences form

  • Settings

Trip Page

Where users can create a trip.

  • Overview (date(s), location(s))

  • Collaborators

  • Itinerary

  • Budget

  • To-do list

  • Chat (voting system)

Task Flows


Travel Preferences Form

Accessing the Travel Preferences form through the Profile page.

Add Collaborators

Adding collaborators through Friend’s List or by finding users in the trips page.

Voting System

Creating a poll in the chat section of the trips page.


Low-fi Wireframes

Mid-fi Wireframes

Wireframe Changes

Changes were made according to feedback in mentor meetings and group critiques.

Travel Preferences Section

Added a “Let’s Get Started“ section to help users navigate through the website.

Trips Page AI Itinerary Maker Generate

Got rid of the different itinerary sections. Generated a completed itinerary, still allowing the users to customize each item, or to regenerate a new itinerary.

Trips Page Budget

Replaced the circle bar to a rectangular bar, similar to the battery bar. It will be easier to read, more intuitive.



  • Friendly

  • Fun

  • Curious

  • Adventurous

  • Social

  • Outgoing

  • Organized

  • Happy

  • Cooperative

  • Engaging

The blue color palette evokes feelings of peace, calm, trustworthiness, and insight. I want users to feel at ease while navigating the site, and to trust it as a secure place for their important information. I chose orange as the secondary color because it complements blue, offering a vibrant and eye-catching contrast that highlights key elements effectively.





I chose the Ubuntu typeface because stands out for its clean, modern, and approachable design. It has a warm, humanistic feel due to its rounded letterforms, which helps create a friendly and welcoming vibe. Despite its softness, Ubuntu is highly legible, even at smaller sizes, making it versatile for both body text and headings.


UI is slim, rounded edges. Different values of blue are used throughout, and yellow is used sparingly as a highlight color for primary components.

UI Component Library

Logo Design

High-fi Wireframes


Usability Testing


6 (4 Females + 2 Males)

18-30 years old


Remote (Zoom)


30-45 minutes


  • On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being easy, 10 being hard), how easy was it for you to complete the task?

  • What do you like about this section?

  • Was there anything that was confusing or difficult?

  • How would you improve the steps of completing the task?

  • How do you feel about the website overall?

  • Can you see yourself using something like this for a future trip with friends? If yes/no - why?

Task Flows

Finding the optimal location for the Travel Preferences form. See if the form is visible and easy to find or if it’s too hidden away.

Travel Preferences Form

How helpful is the website in guiding the users to create a trip? Is the content too much, too little, or just right? Is this section easy to use or too hard? Would they use the AI Itinerary Maker?

Create New Trip

Communicate with TripMates

How likely are they to use the poll feature? Is the poll feature in the best location?

Success Metric

All of the participants finished in less than 20 minutes. I prompted them in the beginning to do the Travel Preferences form then create a trip, and they intuitively continued to click around from there.

Time Taken

Error or Confusion

Most of the participants had 1-3 error(s) and/or moments of confusion.

On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being easy, 10 being hard), scores were an average of 2-4. Participants liked how it was easy to navigate, and self explanatory. The labels, icons and pictures helped a lot.

User Satisfaction

What Worked

Website was intuitive and easy to navigate. They also liked the organization of the Trip Page sections.

Overall Flow

The content of the website is helpful for travel planning. They liked the different sections provided in the Trip page and how they are optional to utilize.

Content of Website

Priority Revisions

Travel Preferences Form Location

Form hidden in Profile page

Created Sign Up and page, and have the form appear after

The location was a bit hard to find. A lot of participants didn’t bother looking at the Profile section. Recommended to have the form appear after Sign up.

AI Itinerary Maker

AI Itinerary Maker is now the main component of the page

AI Itinerary Maker icon is not the main component

The participants thought the icon was a chat robot. A lot of participants would immediately manually create their itinerary. Recommended to have the icon be more prominent.


Travel Preferences Form

Trip Overview

Trip Itinerary

Trip Budget

Trip Tasks

Trip Chat